Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What's In A Name (A Link-Up)

Today I wanted to share the meaning behind the name of Bell Bliss. For one, I do like alliterations. Maybe this is just my education background, but I find them interesting and simple. Simple pretty much sums up my style. There is a reason I chose bliss, though. Many people may think that bliss is supposed to imply that I have a perfect life, when in fact, that is the opposite reason I chose the name. I consider our life to be blissfully imperfect. Yes, we go through struggles and not everything is great, but the imperfections are what make it so great and what make it our life. To me the word bliss implies a chosen state of mind, not wordily factors. We can chose to live in bliss or let the hardships and struggles of life overcome us. 

I came across this quote:

This quote perfectly describes how I feel about the word "bliss" and why I chose it for my blog. Over the past couple of years, it has been a comfort to me to know that I can choose my own happiness; that through the gains and loses of life, I can stay in a blissful state of mind. After lots of unneccessary stress and anxiety in college, I learned that it is much easier to choose to be happy, regardless of what little ups and downs are going on in life. It was a serious breakthrough for me. I only wish I had learned this lesson sooner in life. Even though I can still get a bit moody and grumpy at times, I remind myself that I can choose to be happy and my mood turns around. I don't take this ability to choose happiness lightly, because I know there are many in this world who don't have this ability. So there you have it, a simple blog name with a simple story. 

Now time for the link-up! I love seeing all the different blog names out there and always wonder the meaning behind them. I know that each of you feels a connection to your blog name just as I do. I would love to know the story or inspiration behind each of your blogs. Write a post about the story behind your blog, your inspiration, why you like it, or even what you would change your blog name to if you don't like your current name. Anything blog name related will do. Link-up your post below and go visit some other blogs in the link-up. While there are no rules, I would love for you to link back to this post in your post and spread the word through twitter and other social media. I look forward to reading all of your posts!

Bell Bliss


  1. I never really considered the definition of "Bliss" before, but what a great one it is! And such a good word in general. So glad you started this link up, I'm looking forward to reading everyone's posts!

  2. I can tell you put real thought into the name of your blog! And I like the idea of viewing bliss as something undisturbed by the precise circumstances of the moment--something steady.

  3. I love your blog name!

  4. That quote is beautiful!! Learning to be content and happy regardless of circumstances is the best choice you can make in life--thanks for sharing the reasoning behind your name!


  5. I love reading the thought behind others' blog names! Thanks for hosting!!!! xx

  6. Love this story about how you chose your name and love love love the quote!

  7. Dang, so thoughtful! I think your blog name is one that really stands out. Sometimes I have to visit a blog a lot before I link the writer's real name with blog name, but yours always stuck.

  8. This was so inspiring! Love the meaning behind Bliss. I linked up with you :)

    - Alex @ Radiating Sunshine

  9. My very first link up! I love your blog name. "Bliss" is one of my favorite words.

  10. I love alliteration too and I think this was a great idea! I went and linked an old post I wrote after I changed my blog's name a few months ago. I'm excited to check out some other blogs and see how they got their names. I thought it was so stressful trying to name a blog "baby" - I can't imagine naming a human one!

  11. Aw, I love this! I love that quote, too. I always wonder about some blog names and this is a good way to find out! :)

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