Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sunday Night Walking Market, Chiang Mai

Thailand is FULL of markets. These markets usually sell souvenirs, fruity drinks, street food, etc. Many of the souvenir stands were the same throughout the entire country. In Koh Samui, they had a walking street in the fisherman's market and at Chewang Beach that we wandered around every night. Bangkok has a few walking streets as well, including China Town. One of the most well-known walking markets is the Sunday Night Walking Market in Old Town Chiang Mai. We thankfully were not burnt out on markets yet and were staying right by it, so we decided to walk around for awhile. It had a lot of the typical souvenirs, linen pants, Chang Beer T-shirts, vibrant colored purses and bags, and jewelry. Along with the typical souvenirs, there were stands with one-of-a-kind items such as paintings and carvings. There were also tons of street performers on the street. As always, there were lots of stands with street food, which was very fresh and good quality so we finally built up to courage to try it. We were hooked from then on! $2 Pad Thai?? Please and thank you!

We really enjoyed the walking market. I love to just wandered around and look at things, so it was right up my alley. The only problem we had was that it was SO crowded, especially because it was around New Year's and tons of tourists were in town. It was hard to even move forward or backward towards the end of the night and it took us forever just to walk the couple of blocks back to our hotel.

I never got around to buying a pair of these, but they are very popular among tourists. They are comfortable to travel in and perfect for covering up your legs to go inside of the temples. 

We saw tons of markets while we were in Thailand, but this was definitely one of my favorites. I loved that there were more unique items and that the street food was so fresh! My only regret is that we didn't get a painting or something unique to remember our trip by. We kept waiting and waiting and only ended up buying a few little souvenirs. 

Have you ever been to a walking market? Do you buy souvenirs when you travel? 

Linking up with Bonnie and Tina for Travel Tuesday!


  1. Aww, you're making me homesick!! I love those open air markets!! In fact, I think I may have been to the exact one you're talking about, in Chiang Mai!

  2. Mm! I love how colorful everything is! Such a beautiful place and such beautiful photos :)
    Michelle @ Mishfish13

  3. I love all the art and how colorful everything is. Exploring the local markets is always a favorite of mine when traveling, I think you can get a real feel for the culture there.

  4. Those bowls are stunning! Such beautiful colours everywhere.

    Louisa @ My Family & Abruzzo

  5. Oh my gosh I want to try all that food! I have a weird obsession with elephants so I would have bought that painting proudly. Thanks for replying to my comment yesterday - your blog has made Oki so much more appealing. Sometimes all it takes is someone else to do the scary thing before you for you to realize it's not that bad. We won't know for sure of course for a few more weeks, but we put it down twice on our list :)

  6. I love the paintings and those bowls!! The colors are fantastic.


  7. I love those paintings, especially the one of the elephant. So colorful!

  8. I've heard about the inexpensive but oh so good food!! I'm really wanting to make it to Thailand one day! And I love markets!

  9. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law lived in Chiagn Mai for a few months. While they were staying there, my in-laws went to visit them and my mother-in-law bought me a pair of those pants! They really are quite comfortable...for around the house at least.

  10. Those paintings are gorgeous! I especially love the Elephant one!

  11. Oh I love the night market in Chiang Mai! I was there with my husband and mum and jus to many great things to eat and see to buy. Thank you for sharing amazing photos, it really took me back.

  12. I truly appreciate ur post On Linen Pants. I’ve been looking everywhere for this!

  13. Thank you so much for providing such helpful information on Linen Pants.


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