Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Why I Hate Christmas Shopping

High School Jake and Mackenzie. You're Welcome

Ok, I know I sound like a total scrooge, but hear me out. I love giving. I love giving a gift that I know the person is going to love and that is a complete surprise. Sent each other emails of exactly what we wanted or just buying it ourselves, Jake and I used to be so good at giving each other presents. We used to buy each other things that were a total surprise and that we would really love. One year Jake got me this beautiful peacoat from Banana Republic. I hadn't ever mentioned wanting a coat, but I loved it. He picked it out himself. It is something that I will have in my wardrobe for years and years.

The hard part is that we can't always give gifts in this manner. I wish I could be one of those people who remembers exactly what everyone mentioned they wanted throughout the year, but I never do. When the time comes, I draw a complete blank. These days, most people buy things they want when they want it, which leaves their Christmas lists short or unattainable. It is fun to buy people stuff they may not ordinarily buy themselves, like cutesy jewelry or housewares. My problem is, I am super practical and like giving people something they will use.

I'm not blaming other people, because I am usually the same way. If I want something smallish, I usually buy it myself. That leaves my "want" list full of things like a DSLR camera and Frye riding boots. Do I expect people to buy that stuff for me? No, especially not as an adult. I don't even expect my husband to get me that stuff (I think a trip to Thailand is way more than enough). I find myself wanting things throughout the year, but when someone asks, I have nothing to tell them. This leaves them giving me money, which is a great gift in my book, but makes them feel like they aren't getting me anything fun or exciting.

Christmas is so over the top these days. I know people who get tons and tons of presents for their family members. Kids are getting more presents than they should own in their entire childhood. I hate this Christmas ideal that we should be getting all of these material things. It leaves everyone feeling that if they are not giving a lot of things or expensive things, it isn't a good present.

Every year I try to remember what really matters this time of year. I want my presents to be from the heart and something that people will treasure and appreciate. Thankfully, I have had a lot easier time this year being in a place full of tons of interesting things I want to share with others. Thanks to that, I am feeling a bit less "scroogish" this year. I am looking forward to this season of giving, even if we are far away from loved ones.

Do you enjoy Christmas shopping? Are you hard to buy for? When do you get your Christmas shopping done by?


  1. Christmas shopping is very hard for people who buy themselves whatever they want! That's why I make a rule for myself--by the first of October, or earlier, I won't buy anything for myself, I'll wait. Right now, I think my brother and sister who are in college are the easiest to buy for because they're both broke! So they need just about anything. :)

  2. If I had unlimited funds I'd love to Christmas shop more because just like you said we're adults now and except for the really big things we can buy stuff for ourselves!

  3. I totally agree with you! It is no fun and now it is all really expensive stuff!!!

  4. I hate Christmas shopping too! I can never think of good gifts for people so I always have to ask them point-blank "Tell me what you want or you're getting cash." I tend to buy myself little gifts too, so when the holidays roll around I never want anything!

  5. I agree, I love giving gifts but I think Christmas has become way too focused on consumerism and greed rather than what the holiday is really about.

  6. I totally agree! When it was just me and the hubs it was easy to just get each other a great gift, that would make a memory rather than just a check off a wish list. Now that we have kids, the holidays become more about them, which I love.

  7. I totally agree with you. Loved this post, hun.

  8. I feel the exact same way. All the small stuff I usually get myself leaving a list of items that are pretty pricey for everyone else. Which totally isnt fair and I dont expect anyone to get me that stuff. Ive got a DSLR cam on my want like as well but im saving up for that one!

    Kristen @ Your Beauty Fix

  9. So I wrote a huge paragraph about how I agree with you and was kind of ranting about it also, but since it deleted, I'm not going to try and write it again... But thanks for getting me thinking about what Christmas really is! :)

  10. Can everyone like my new I hate Christms Jumpers page please

  11. New to your blog. Love it! I particularly love this post as I have been ranting a lot lately about Christmas giving and receiving. :)


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