Monday, November 11, 2013

Lessons Learned From The Weekend

Here are some lessons I learned from my good friend the weekend.

I timed myself for the first time since I started running again. I was very surprised. I thought I was going so much faster and further than I really was. I had been feeling so great about my running and was even considering doing a 10k or something. But, because I was upset that I hadn't been running as far as I thought I had, I pushed myself and ran the extra distance.

Lesson Learned: Sometimes I overestimate my abilities

Sunday Brunch at The Rose Garden

Lesson Learned: It is ALWAYS a good idea to reward yourself after eating healthy all week

Lesson Learned #2: Eggs Beni is always worth a 40 minute drive

Nakagusuku Castle

360 view of the island

so many stairs

Lesson Learned: Don't go climbing castles after a HUGE meal

Lesson Learned: ALWAYS get the famous Mango Sorbet, even if you just ate a huge meal. Especially on a "cheat" day. 

After Nakagusuku Castle, I stopped at this old house that is set up to show visitors what an Okinawan house looked like in ancient times. There was some sort of event going on, but I couldn't figure out what it was. They were handing out maps and there were signs with numbers pointing in different directions. I thought maybe it was a tour of homes type deal. No one spoke English, so I never figured out what was happening. People kept taking my camera and having me take pictures with people who were dressed up.

Lesson Learned: Sometimes you just have to smile and go with it

 Futenma Shrine

Lesson Learned: Not quite sure what happens at a shrine, but they sure are pretty

Lastly, Happy 238th Birthday to the Marine Corps and Happy Veteran's Day! Thank you to all those who have served past, present, and future.

So very thankful for my cute Marine

Linking up with Logan, Sami, and Kimberlee 


  1. Now that really sounds like an especially interesting weekend! The castle you climbed looks really cool!

  2. I love a good brunch and it's always worth the drive! This might be a dumb question but did anyone ever live in that castle? It looks impossible to live in!

  3. Ice cream and a long walk certainly are the best for cheat days! Looks like a wonderful weekend!

  4. Happy Veterans Day to your husband! So thankful for everything they do. Sounds like a fun weekend and that mango sorbet looks amazing!

  5. Looks like a great weekend! Happy Veteran's Day to your husband!!!

  6. That castle looks awesome, what a fun weekend you had! Happy Veteran's Day!

  7. Wow, that castle looks amazing! Fun!

    Visiting your blog from the Monday Morning Gossip link up.

  8. Looks like a beautiful weekend! Love all of the adventures and exploration you are doing. And yes that sorbet looked so delicious! Happy Veteran's Day & Happy Birthday to your sweet husband! xo Moe

  9. Wow. That place looks amazing - I'll need to add it to my "soon to visit list"
    New follower - Whit from Raspy Wit

  10. There's few things in life that top eggs benny. I admit that I had some this morning! Happy Veteran's Day to your husband!

  11. Looks like such a great day! There is a brunch place here that makes egg benny with lobster or crab cakes and it is probably my favorite thing ever :) The sorbet looks delicious too!! Gorgeous pics, as always :)

    xx em

  12. Looks like so much fun. Eggs beni is SO worth it!

  13. Loved your outlook on the weekend :) Gorgeous pics! All that food looks delish!

    Thanks for linking up :)


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