Thursday, July 24, 2014

Jiufen, Taiwan- An Old Mining Town

On the second morning we were in Taiwan we decided to rent a taxi for the day. The taxi would take us anywhere we wanted to go, within reason. I had researched an old gold mining town in the mountains that is a poplar tourist attraction and it looked like something right up my alley. We got in our taxi and drove almost two hours up into the mountains. It was so worth it! We got there early enough in the morning that it wasn't packed with tourists. We climbed up a watch tower and looked at the incredible view overlooking the ocean. We wandered through the tiny alleyways, going into shops, trying different foods, and looking inside of cute tea houses with awesome views. At this point in our life living abroad, we have been to many different markets and they have all started to blend together. This one was so unique, though, because you could feel the history behind it and it still had that cute old world charm. Plus, it was interesting to see how people live on the side of a mountain. Let's just say, we climbed way too many stairs for a hot and humid day.

Next stop: waterfall!


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