Monday, May 12, 2014

It's Rainy Season

My first rainy season on Okinawa is here and I am not a fan. I thought the rainy season meant that it rained a bit more than usual. Not the case. Since the day it was declared "rainy season" it has rained every single day. Sometimes all day without stopping. The first week of the season the temperature dropped, and so it was rainy and cool and not too bad. Now, the temperature is back up, causing intense humidity. Everything is moist (sorry, I know people hate that word). My tile floors always feel wet, my produce goes bad very quickly, and my body is very sticky all of the time. Let's not even get started with my frizzy hair. I am so ready for sunshine and beach days. Thankfully, the rainy season lasts less than a month, just in time for school to get out.

So what does one do during said rainy season? Well, Jake was in the field this weekend so that meant I was free to do things he doesn't always care to do. Number one, shopping. I went to my favorite home decor store on the island and picked up some new kitchen rugs and swooned over the beautiful furniture. When you think of Japanese furniture you often think modern and clean lines, but Okinawans really like French and rustic inspired furniture. If you know the right places to look, you can find some pretty cute stuff here. 

To get the table or not get the table, that is the question

I also ate curry for about three meals in a row. Don't judge. Jake won't even go into a curry restaurant with me, so I figured this was my chance to enjoy it. I ate Japanese curry at the super cute cafe in the home decor shopping center that I love. Most people here love the Japanese curry, but I am not the biggest fan. So for dinner that night I got my favorite spinach chicken curry and cheese naan. So delicious, I could eat it every day. I love that Indian restaurants are so popular here.

The good thing about all of the rain is all of the beautiful flowers that are popping up everywhere. Just on my run around our neighborhood I tons of different kinds of flowers. Rain also causes some pretty awesome sunsets when the sun does peak out for a minute. 

June 1st, I am ready for you to be here and for this rain to go away!


  1. Weather is such a weird thing. About 2 weeks ago, it down-poured so horribly in FL that several of our friends and family had flooded homes, yet we can't get a drop of rain in Texas.

    I say, get table #2. That color and design goes with any style, and if it's built well, it's something you'll have for a long time. Plus, with it being wood, it can be refinished at any time.

  2. I am glad are rainy season is almost over but you are right the rain makes the flowers bloom and everything is so green and pretty now!

  3. Oh rainy season! In Yunnan, China, where I used to live, the rainy season really rained. I've never experienced rain harder than rainy season there.

  4. I love that table! I wish I could find one like that for our home!

  5. Oh my goodness, well, at least it is warm rain! And those flowers are beautiful!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  6. Where is this super cute home store? We just moved here a month ago, and I would love to explore more shops like that! Thanks!


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