Monday, June 24, 2013

Life in the Lowcountry

Lots going on down here in the lowcountry. I promised myself when I knew I was going to be down here without a job that I would NOT just sit at home and obsess over my latest netflix series. I am pretty proud of myself because I have kept myself pretty busy.

A typical day

Up at 6:15. Yes, that is 6 am! I didn't even get up that early when I was working. My mom walks the dogs around this time every morning. Lexie has learned this and makes me get up to take her on a walk with them. I've learned to love morning walks, even though I am not a morning person.


I really can't complain when my morning walk looks like this

Have I mentioned how much I love this place?

After our walk I have my morning juice/shake and then head to yoga. I figured that if I had lots of time on my hands, I might as well be in the best shape possible. We already know how I feel about running. It takes a lot for me to just go out and run, especially in this heat. I'm no good at going to the gym either. I get distracted very easily and don't always push myself as hard as I can. I knew it was going to take me finding something I really enjoyed. I decided to try Bikram yoga, aka "hot yoga." Let's just say, I'm a little obsessed. It is 90 minutes in a 105 degree room. I love how I feel afterwards and I love seeing how much I improve each time. I have been going about 4 times a week and have never once dreaded going. I also discovered an awesome juice bar next door!

Sweaty and happy with my juice

Ok, so I might have a juice obsession

This one is carrot, cucumber, apple, lemon, and ginger. YUM

After yoga is a shower. You cannot do anything until you take a shower. Bikram yoga is probably the sweatiest I have ever been in my life. It looks like I jumped into a pool each time I am finished. In the afternoons after I have showered, I head to the pool, run errands, or do some chores around the house. I have also been cooking dinner for my parents most nights. 

This is the life

Unfortunately, it has been raining a ridiculous amount so I haven't been able to enjoy the pool/beach as much as I've wanted to. At night, I have been hanging out with my mom. She likes to get out of the house at night so we run errands, shop, go to movies, or dinner. We have been having a blast together! 

I have been thoroughly enjoying my time here in Charleston. I know the next few months are going to fly by, so I'm trying to enjoy every minute I have here.

until next time,



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